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Display Adafruit PiTFT Plus 2.8″ 320×240 + Touchscreen, For Raspberry Pi

It features a 2.8″ display with 320×240 16-bit color pixels and a resistive touch overlay. The plate uses the high speed SPI interface on the Pi and can use the mini display as a console, X window port, displaying images or video etc. Best of all it plugs right in on top!

This updated design fits perfectly onto the Pi Zero, Pi 4, Pi 3, Pi 3B+, Pi 2 or Model A+, B+! (Any Pi with a 2×20 connector).  This one also has all 40 pins GPIO pins brought out so you can connect a 40-pin GPIO cable underneath.

Use it for console access or easily pop up X11 onto the PiTFT for a mini monitor, although its rather small at 320×240. Instead, we recommend using PyGame or other SDL-drawing programs to write onto the frame buffer.


* NOTA:   NO incluye la placa Raspberry Pi.


Tambien tenemos una caja protectora hecha por Adafruit, para proteger este Display junto con la Raspberry, aqui puedes verlo …



    Tutorial paso a paso para configurar la Pi y que funcione el Display adecuadamente.
    Datasheet del Display.
    DIY WiFi Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Camera.
    Make a portable Raspberry Pi 2 game console.
    Adafruit AMG8833 8×8 Thermal Camera Sensor.


  • Screen Dimensions: 50mm x 69mm x 4mm / 2″ x 2.7″ x 0.16″
  • PCB Dimensions: 56mm x 85mm x 11mm / 2.2″ x 3.3″ x 0.4″
  • Weight: 42g