
Formas de Pago:



Interfaz Adafruit LCD Backpack I2C / SPI

Este pequeño modulo permite conectar fácilmente una pantalla LCD alfanumerica convencional a un Microcontrolador o Arduino mediante tan solo 2 cables (I2C). Funciona con pantallas de caracteres (no gráficas) dese 8×1 hasta 20×4 caracteres y soporta una conexión tanto I2C como SPI.

Es especialmente útil si te quedas sin pines disponibles en tu Arduino o microcontrolador y además dispone de una completa librería para Arduino lista para utilizar! Por la parte trasera incluye un potenciómetro para el ajuste del contraste y se incluyen los bornes de conexión (sin soldar).

By using simple i2c and SPI input/output expanders we have reduced the number of pins (only 2 pins are needed for i2c) while still making it easy to interface with the LCD. For Arduino users, we provide a easy-to-use library that is backwards compatible with projects using the ‘6 pin’ wiring. The breakout comes with a 2-pin and 3-pin terminal block as shown (you can snap it together to make a 5-pin terminal and then solder it to the backpack for easy wiring).

This backpack will work with any ‘standard’ character LCD, from 8×1 to 20×4 sizes! As long as they have a 16-pin single-line connection header at the top. We carry a few LCDs that work great. We suggest using our blue & white 20×4 or 16×2 LCDs. It does not work with the 16×2 OLED displays. 

For advanced users, this project can be used for general purpose I/O expansion, the MCP23008 has 8 i/o pins (7 are connected) with optional pull-ups, the SPI 74HC595 has 7 connected outputs.


  * NO incluye el Display LCD ni la placa Arduino.

  * Este producto es la version original hecho en USA por Adafruit, NO Chino, ademas de incluir una libreria para Arduino y tutorial.



    Tutorial, librerias y ejemplos.

  • This board/chip uses I2C 7-bit address between 0x20-0x27, selectable with jumpers.
  • Works with 16×2 and 20×4 Character LCDs.
  • It does not work with 16×2 OLED displays.